2020-01-25 duck typing in rust: trait vs type
2020-01-16 writing c library in rust
2020-01-06 rust on heroku with hyper http
2020-01-05 rust on heroku with async/await and tokio
2019-10-28 http/3 starter notes, rust quiche
2019-10-13 [rust] what’s a tuple variant?
2019-08-17 graph in rust using petgraph
2019-06-18 debugging openssl shared libary
2019-06-03 essential rust tools
2019-05-17 learning scala with graphics
2019-02-03 firebase auth migration from rails/devise
2018-02-25 listening to very specific events
2017-12-31 event-driven architectural patterns
2017-11-24 exploring ghostscript API in C
2017-10-09 getting started with docker
2016-01-03 xcode playground for parse in swift
2015-12-22 xcode 7: creating and renaming a new app
2015-04-08 r: functions and avoiding loops
2015-01-11 getting started with sailsjs
2014-08-28 simple test first express setup & tutorial
2014-07-28 time tracking with google calendar
2014-04-26 jekyll dektop app with node-webkit on osx
2014-01-20 ruby to find latitude/longitude for a list of cities
2014-01-18 rspec: mixing transcations and truncation database clearner strategies
2013-10-20 rails 4 twitter omniauth with mongodb
2013-10-13 rails 4 with mongodb on osx
2013-07-27 empowering content creators with drupal
2013-07-27 getting started with drupal
2013-07-15 building tesseract from source
2013-07-14 building unix package with autotools
2013-07-13 tesseract html page with text overlay
2013-07-08 easy drupal install on mac osx lion
2013-07-04 getting started with drupal 7 and openshift
2013-06-07 ffmpeg for ogg and webm
2013-04-01 getting started with minecraft modding
2012-03-30 d3.js experiments in the console
2012-03-30 fixing brew install opencv on osx
2012-01-22 cucumber and custom rspec matchers with rails 3.1
2012-01-08 ffmpeg on osx lion
2011-09-11 rails 3.0 and rake 0.9.2
2011-05-08 what exactly does rake spec do?
2011-04-05 repl rspec mocks
2010-09-07 rails 3 vs. rails 2 validation errors
2010-01-27 rails security review checklist
2009-12-30 markdown to textile with vim regex
2009-12-20 creating a custom rake task
2009-09-13 rails exceptions in xml
2009-09-01 rails models are views?
2009-08-31 ruby unit test frameworks
2009-07-05 rails admin interface roundup
2009-07-02 getting started with activescaffold
2009-06-22 openlaszlo simple post code
2009-06-21 simple web services with rails
2009-05-25 rails plugin view helpers and rspec
2009-05-18 bash context
2009-03-10 git submodule gotcha
2009-03-07 rails routes
2009-02-28 command line happiness
2009-02-12 moving from svn to git
2009-01-11 generating an .htaccess file for wordpress migration
2009-01-02 Scaffolds != Rails
2008-12-29 rails 2 day 4: rcov and more behavior-driven development
2008-12-22 rails 2 day 3: behavior-driven development
2008-12-14 getting started with rails 2 – day 2
2008-12-13 getting started with rails 2 – day 1
2008-12-13 great ruby book
2008-06-15 pipes, redirects and awk -v
2008-06-14 bash: xargs is your friend
2003-10-14 processing