kid track at rubyconf?

October 07, 2010

I used to go to SIGGRAPH back in the ’90s where some of the graphics geeks would put together interactive exhibits specifically targeted at kids and the older kids would play with and create magical things using the latest tech. I got to wondering whether we could do such a thing Ruby-style at RubyConfX and perhaps inspire a new generation of hackers. Here’s an outline of the idea:

3 days of structured play with a few group projects or interactive presentations by Rubyists. Every kid brings a laptop. Kids 10 and up whose parents are comfortable with them being responsible for themselves can attend on their own. Younger kids must be accompanied by a grown-up who is welcome to learn to code or just hang out and have fun.

Ideas for projects / interactive presentations:

The big question is…. are there folks going to Ruby Conf X who have kids of an age to code who would be interested in bringing them along and participating? I’ve got one interested and enough grown-ups willing to help. If we have at least 3 or 4 kinds with some cross-over in age, then we’ll give it a go. Send email to sarah _at_ ultrasaurus (dot) com or tweet @ultrasaurus with the age of your kid(s) and any relevant info, like what games or code-like stuff they are info.