next steps for ruby gender balance
July 08, 2009
In the past month we took some first steps to inviting women into the SF Ruby community:
- First Workshop was well attended with tremendous community support
- Hack session (sponsored by Orange and Sustainable Websites) where many of the workshop attendees continued their learning; and women and men from the community brought their own projects to work on.
Now we need to keep up the momentum and generate a few more peers for the women who are continuing to develop in Ruby. To that end, we have scheduled another workshop, July 31-August 1 with the generous support of Pivotal Labs and EngineYard. In order to make this workshop as successful as the last one, we need your help:
- Please sign up to volunteer on Friday and/or Saturday:
- if you are a developer who has experience with Ruby on Rails and are willing to answer questions and offer debugging assistance during the workshop
- if you attended the last workshop, you will learn a lot from being a TA!
- if you just want to help, we need folks for registration and other logistics
- Sponsors
- we haven’t yet planned an “after party” but it would be great to do that again
- do you have some cool stuff you want to bestow upon our attendees, good books? special deals? let’s make these new folks feel welcome
- Locations for follow-up events: do you have space you would be willing to share on a weekend or evening?
- post-workshop hack session: informal workspace or conference room
- advanced workshop: two conference rooms would be ideal
- September workshop: large meeting room with a number of smaller conference rooms
If you want to get involved, please join the google group.
Sponsors please email rubyworkshop _at_ gmail (dot) com.